global medical manufacturer since 1973 celebrating 50 years

One-Plus Gauze Dressings

  • A One-Plus dressing is made by serging one layer of fine mesh to several layers of wide mesh
  • If debridement is desired, the wide mesh side of the dressing can be used as the wound contact layer
  • If not, then the fine mesh side can be put next to the wound
  • This dressing eliminates the excessive time required to pre-cut and layer gauze
  • It also eliminates the need for stocking and using multiple products
  • One-Plus dressings are available in a variety of sizes and thicknesses to meet your burn care needs, but they can also be customized according to your specification
Product # Description Packaging Case Qty
10-5500 18” x 18” 6-ply 2/pk, 50pk/cs 100/cs
10-5510 36” x 36” 17-ply 1/pk, 20pk/cs 20/cs
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