global medical manufacturer since 1973 celebrating 50 years

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Green OR Bin Cut Out (1)
Reprocessed single-use devices can save your facility
as much as 50% off the cost of an original device.
Program Steps to Implement Savings
30 days Green OR chart
Immediate impact on
your bottom line.
  • Dramatic reduction in new orthopedic device purchases
  • Biohazard waste reduction
  • Guaranteed product supply reprocessing system (GPS)
  • Access to expanding list of premium products, with over 2,500 SKUs
  • 100% surgeon control for immediate financial impact
  • Does not require changing physician devices or preferences.
Green OR
Green OR bin - cutout - HR angled-shadows-low res
60-day risk-free Evaluation request:
Select a choice


Green OR will provide
free collection bins and
a risk free evaluation.
  • Account collects single use devices for reprocessing, instead of disposing of them
  • Green OR returns items fully reprocessed
    in under 30 days for up to 50% savings
  • After 60 days, a review of savings, waste reduction, and quality metrics are provided
  • Risk free with no contractual obligation
    to buy during the evaluation
  • Full warranty of all products with a money
    back guarantee on service and quality