We are delighted to announce that last night the A-View® Endotracheal Balloon Catheter won an award at the Healthtech Ireland Innovation Awards in the category of "Diagnostics for Prevention."

HealthTech-Sqare-1024x1024The awards were held at the famous Mansion House building in Dublin, Ireland and attended by: Michael Corcoran (DeRoyal International Global Business Development Manager), Mario Gaztambide (DeRoyal VP International), Dr. Arno Nierich (Inventor of A-View®), Dermot Dempster (Clonallon Laboratories LTD Managing Director), and Siobhan Southwell (Affidea Ireland). See the full Award list here »

A-View Healthtech Ireland Innovation Award

Receiving the Award: Michael Corcoran, Mario Gaztambide, Dr. Arno Nierich, Dermot Demptster, Siobhan Southwell.


A-View wins at HIIA 2022

Left to Right: Dr. Arno Nierich, Michael Corcoran, Mario Gaztambide, and Dermot Demptster.


A-View® Endotracheal Balloon Catheter


The A-View® balloon provides complete visualization of the distal ascending aorta during TEE, thus eliminating the 'blind spot'. This is accomplished by filling the air-void within the trachea with a saline-filled balloon, allowing for a complete diagnosis of dangerous plaques at risk for potential dislodgement prior to CPB cannulation and aortic cross clamping. The A-View® balloon has been proven to reduce the risk of periprocedural stroke by 30%*.